Saturday, March 26, 2011

Four Months Already!!

I cannot believe our little guy is already four months old.  The time has gone by very fast, and during that time he has gone from a tiny 6 lbs. 11 oz. peanut, to 14 lbs. 10 oz. and 25 3/4 inches long.  The doctor said that he was doing very well.  He even showed off, by rolling over on the examining table for her to see! 

Waiting for the Doctor!
 Showing off his Daddy's smirk...

She also said that at four months we can start feeding him some rice cereal, and giving some pear and prune juice once a day!  Here's some pictures of how well that went. 

Umm, what is that?
Well, I guess I could try it.
Are you kidding me right now?
 Maybe it's not SO bad.
 This stuff is really messy!
 All smiles!
 Please don't make me take one more bite!
 I said I didn't want any more! 

So, I guess it went as good as expected the first time around.  We are not so sure he even swallowed any of it, but we will keep on practicing!  He liked the pear juice MUCH better!   

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is HERE!

Spring is finally here!  Well, sort of....we celebrated one of the nicer days this year (about 45 degrees) by taking a nice walk outside to the park with Rylee.  We are all getting a little cabin fever and cannot wait to get outside for a daily walk!  Especially since we discovered it is the newest way to get Patrick to go from screeming to sleeping in an instant! 

He's saying, "Mommy, I don't like this!"
"Mommy, I really don't like this!!"
After the walk -  "Zzzzzzzzzzz..."

Now, if it would just stay warm outside! 

Also, you all know we struggled with Patrick's sleeping habits for awhile there, and are happy to finally report that he no longer needs to sleep in his carseat.  I actually have woken up to him a couple days in a row just laying in there, cooing and gabbering up a storm to himself, and anyone who would listen! 

Sound asleep!

 This is how he woke up one morning...let's just say we don't use the positioner anymore. 

He's almost getting to the point where he'll sleep through the night, but right now, mommy doesn't mind getting up to snuggle and feed only one time during the night.  We're just glad it's not every two-three hours any more.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Jumping on the Bandwagon!

Well, here we go!  I figured that it is time that I join the new interactive world of blogging, and keep you all up to date on how the little guy and our family is doing!  And I guess there is no better time to start then now, right?  Well, considering I hardly have time to post pictures to Facebook, I cannot guarantee that this will be kept up to date either, but I will try to do my best. 

Where do I start... oh right, with the hospital!  November 27, 2010.  My absolute favorite experience of my life!  Okay, we know that is somewhat sarcastic, but once Patrick arrived it was as if I forgot all about the sheer terror I had been going through moments (literally...moments) before!  And it truely was an experience I will never forget.  While I don't have any pictures from right after Patrick was born, because we had to run into the hospital and leave our bags and camera in the car, here are a couple taken shortly after. 

                   Before we have our next child, I am going to demand that the hospital get some cuter gowns.

Matt and I are so blessed and words cannot describe how completely in love we are with our new addition.  At birth, Patrick weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 inches long.  Much smaller than we thought he would be!

Since then, life has been a whirlwind full of many expected events that come with having a newborn, and some surprises along the way.  For example, we knew and were prepared for the first couple weeks to be difficult.  Did it help that we got a major blizzard during that time, and were practically unable to leave the house, not really!  Did we know that sleeping was a thing of the past, and would spend every couple hours feeding around the clock.....yes.  But did we know that some children do not enjoy sleeping in a cradle/crib, and would prefer to ONLY sleep in a swing, our arms, or his, we were not expecting that.  But, we adjust to meet his needs, and that is what our lives have been like since.  He changes every day, and we change with him.  Here are some pictures of Patrick growing and changing.

                                                      Coming home from the hospital.

                              Breakfast at the Country Club, where he met Santa.
                                                   Pete's home for the holidays!

                                                      Snuggling with Daddy!
          Rylee, while despising Patrick at first, is already learning to love her new little brother.

Taken after his baptism.  He is wearing the same outfit Grandpa Brad, Matt, cousin Ian, and many others in the Wayne family wore.
So, here's a start, and it sort of sums it up.  Basically, it has been a crazy, fun-filled couple of months full of lots laughter, LOTS of crying (both by Patrick and mommy), growing, learning and mostly loving.